- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - October . 2013 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
William C Morris . Post 36 . American Legion
Broward's First Post . Chartered June 11, 1919
1620 Marina Boulevard (SR84) . Fort Lauderdale . Florida . 33315
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Every Friday Night - from 7p until 9p we have dinner at the Post featuring New York Strip Steak, Ribeye Steak, Lobster Tail or Grilled Shrimp, includes Salad Bar, Vegetable Medley, and Choice of Potato.  We also Feature Live Music under the Tiki Bar.
The Last Friday of Every Month.
Regular Friday Night Dinner will be served, along with Live Music, 50/50, and whatever else the night brings!


Every Saturday Night - starting at 8p.  The Post Lounge is open weekdays from 11a until 11p, and much later on weekends.


Every Sunday Morning - from 10a until Noon The Post serves hot breakfast meals for only $5.00.

. . . . . THIS MONTH . . . . .


District 9 Auxiliary Picnic - Post 142

OCTOBER 14 - Columbus Day

In fourteen hundred ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.

He had three ships and left from Spain; The Nina, the Pinta, the Santa Maria, He sailed through sunshine,  wind and rain Sailed on through the wind and rain.

So brave was the captain, So gallant his rew,
Their faith remained, till their goal came in view.

Inspired the later pioneers, so great was their labor, Their courage so true,

That our mighty nation from their striving grew!


 . . . . UPCOMING MONTHS . . . . .

Ninth District Past Commanders and Presidents Ball which will be held at Post 222.  The tickets for the ball will be TBA per person.  Meal TBA.  Cash bar will be from 6-7p.m. with dinner at 7p.m. Ticket sales will be limited to 100.


8:00 PM - Post 36
50, 60, 70,s
DJ James Washington

1100 Hours - Veterans Day Ceremony

Hosted by Post 36 - Featuring the 82nd Airborne Vets Color Guard, American Legion Post 220, American Legion American Veterans for Equal Rights, American Legion Auxiliary Unit 36, Sons of American Legion Sqdrn 36, American Freedom Riders.
Immediately following Ceremony Post 36 will host a Barbeque in Honor of All Veterans at Post Headquarters, 1620 Marina Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, Fl 33315.  The public is invited to attend both events.
Location: Sandy Ninninger Statue on Riverwalk (directly behind the Performing Arts Bldg) downtown Fort Lauderdale.

 . . . . SAVE THE DATE . . . . .

The 9th District Spring Picnic will be held Sunday, March 23, 2014 at Post 36.  Tickets are $10.00 for Adults, $5.00 for minors (ages 5-15), under 5 years old Free!  Eat all the Hot Dogs, Hamburgers & drink all the Beer and Soda you want for $10.00.  We ask you bring your own platter to eat with our Hot Dogs & Hamburgers.  Tickets will be delivered to each Post, for more tickets, please contact Joe Motes at 954-559-3202.

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REMINDER ... Please take pictures of all events that you attend, and forward them to me so we can be given credit for helping our veterans.

Also, the pictures will be added to the Department President History Book.  When sending pictures, please include where and what the function was, so we can property record the memory.

Please email photos to:   gaildupuis5662@comcast.net

Thank you
Department Historian

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From Your
Service Officer’s

Progress Report on Marine that died on June 8th, 2013

To my fellow American Legion members, I just wanted to give you all an update on where we are with the burial of the Marine that died in June of this year.  Marine Sgt Clayton H. Reeves served honorably in the United States Marine Corps, from 1951 to 1956.  He earned the “National Defense Service Medal” and eventually retired to Ft Lauderdale where his daughter, her husband and his grandchildren live.  The circumstances surrounding his death are not typical.  It has taken some doing and patience with claiming his body and raising the money needed for getting him cremated, but he is finally cremated and awaiting burial at the South Florida National Cemetery in Lake Worth.  I am working with his daughter on getting him buried with the respect he has earned and deserves.  I will keep you posted.

I wish to thank all those individuals that contributed to this Marines cremation expenses; members from American Veterans for Equal Rights, Commander Larry Roberts from American Legion Post 220, members from American Legion 36, as well  and other posts that called to contribute.  It was nice to see that when needed, this Marine’s fellow Veterans came to his Aide and proved he was not alone.

Thank You for Your Service to Your Country.

    Angel Contreras, VSO
    Post 36
    Veteran Service Officer
    (954) 651-2150

                                    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


October 3, 1863 - President Abraham Lincoln issued a proclamation designating the last Thursday in November as Thanksgiving Day.

October 6, 1927 - The first "talkie" opened in New York. The Jazz Singer starring Al Jolson was the first full-length feature film using spoken dialogue.

October 8, 1918 - During World War I in the Argonne Forest in France, U.S. Sergeant Alvin C. York single-handedly took out a German machine-gun battalion, killing over a dozen and capturing 132.

October 13, 1775 - The United States Navy was born after the Second Continental Congress authorized the acquisition of a fleet of ships.

October 14, 1947 - U.S. Air Force Captain Chuck Yeager became the first man to break the sound barrier, flying in a rocket-powered research aircraft.

Oct. 16, 1989 - The long-standing objective of the Legion to improve adjudication procedures for veterans claims is achieved when the U.S. Court of Veterans Appeals becomes operational. Most of the provisions contained in the law creating the court were originally included in the Veterans Reassurance Act, written by the Legion and introduced in Congress in 1988.

October 28, 1886 - The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on Bedloe's Island in New York Harbor. The statue was a gift from the people of France commemorating the French-American alliance during the American Revolutionary War. Designed by Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, the entire structure stands 300 feet (92.9 meters) tall. The pedestal contains the words: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"



There are numerous Volunteer Opportunities through the American Legion Auxiliary Department of Florida.  For more information, visit the Department website at:



Did you know that as an S.A.L. member your are entitled to all the same member discounts as Legion Members?  For a complete list of discounts, visit the American Legion National website at: www.legion.org/discounts



The American Legion together with the Government Vacation Rewards Program, can save Members on Travel.  Gain access to exclusive military and government travel discounts, by joining at:


If you have any news or stories you would like to share with our members, please email them to: FlaLegionPost36@gmail.com  We would like to hear what’s going on with everyone!


We have a Wall dedicated to our members in the Post Lounge.   Please provide us with a photo of you when you were in the military and we will place it in a frame and on our Wall in your honor!


Do you have a Service or Product you would like to sell or share?  Send us the information and/or a business card, and we will print it on our Monthly Newsletter.  Email the information to: FlaLegionPost36@gmail.com

Cutoff for submission is the 20th of each month.


All members please be advised that our monthly meeting schedule is as follows:

  • 2nd Monday - 7p - E-Board
  • 3rd Wednesday - 7p - Auxiliary
  • 4th  Monday - 7p - General Meeting
  • 4th  Monday - (After the General Meeting)  - American Freedom Riders

For those of you that haven't been around in a while we would love to see you.  Our meetings are fun and the Best part is they only last 30 to 40 minutes at best!

Don’t Forget To LIKE us on Facebook At:

Don’t Forget To Visit The Post Website At:

For God and Country,
Larry Sapp, Commander